Production Sedan Title – 2017/2018

VENUE: Kingaroy Showgrounds, Kingaroy
DATE: 21st April, 2018
HOST CLUB: South Burnett Speedway Club Inc

NOMINATION/ADMIN FEE: $70 incl GST (non-refundable) with or without your own transponder – FREE transponder for those who require a transponder to be supplied
LATE NOMINATION FEE: $200 incl GST (non-refundable)

NOMINATIONS CLOSE: Friday, 6th April 2018

NOMINATION FORM TO BE RETURNED TO: Title Co-Ordinator, Kaye Arthur, Speedway Sedans Qld (QSCA Inc), P.O. Box 513, HERVEY BAY Q 4655.    Phone: 0408 766 651 or Email:

(Emailed entries with CREDIT/DEBIT Card/EFT Payment accepted.  Emailed entries with other payment method MUST be followed up with the original and cheque or money order by mail, and received within 7 days, or a late nomination fee will be levied – no exceptions)

Cheques/Money Orders to be made payable to: QSCA Inc – or credit/debit card or EFT

FORMAT: One Night Meeting

Refer to full information sheet and nomination form for more details.

Click here to open the Qld PRODUCTION SEDAN Title 17.18 Nomination Drivers info Kingaroy 21.4.18– Nomination Form and Driver information Sheet in Adobe PDF Format – 477 KB – to print (or right mouse click and select “Save Target As” to save the document