Pits Minimum Age Requirements Review
11/01/08…from the NASR National Office posted Thursday January 3, 2008.
The minimum age for entry into the pit enclosures of Australian Speedways was reviewed recently by the NASR Board of Management.
The review was initiated after reports of difficulties experienced by racing families at events both in Western Australia and Queensland. As the minimum age rule currently stands (14 years for mechanics), it is possible for a Junior Driver to be permitted into the pits, while an older sibling may be refused entry, simply by virtue they are not driving.
The NASR Board considered all aspects of the argument, including the inherent danger of pit enclosures and the awareness of minors of those dangers. It was recognised that there is a good awareness of the speedway dangers by racing families and that this awareness and knowledge is generally handed down to children who grow up in the sport.
Another consideration was the increasing use of the “hot zone” at race tracks, where cars stop upon leaving the race track and enter the pits, then slowly move to their pit bay. This new policy has in deed improved pit safety generally.
As the NASR Board wish to encourage more children into the sport and after making the above considerations, the decision was made to lower the minimum age for NASR mechanic membership from 14 to 12 years.
However, it must be recognised that this DOES NOT automatically entitle minors entry into all pit enclosures. Individual tracks may wish to impose higher limits and are entitled to do so.
The new policy effective immediately now states:
Children are not permitted into the pit area under 16 years of age. The exception to this rule:
Children aged 12 to 15 who possess a NASR Licence and/or Personal Accident Insurance
Children 10 to 15 who possess a NASR Licence and/or Personal Accident Insurance who are actively competing in the race meeting.
Please note: Legislative requirements are different in respect to events in NSW.