2011 Super Street Sedan Title – Gympie – 28th May
11/05/11…Pam Franz….updated 13/05/11
The re-scheduled Qld Super Street Sedan Title is being held at Gympie’s Mothar Mountain Speedway on Saturday 28th May, 2011. This event is doubling as the Luke Keldoulis Memorial and proudly sponsored by Neil Keldoulis and his partner Robyn.
Neil’s son, Luke Keldoulis was a budding speedway driver who started his speedway career in the Junior Street Sedan division and then moved into the senior Street Sedan ranks on turning 17 years. It was very distressing to all the Keldoulis family and their friends when Luke was diagnosed with cancer at such a young age, unfortunately Luke lost his battle but will never be forgotten.
The 30 Nominations to hand for this event are – Graham Beer, Richard Brosnan, Mark Calvert, Stephen Cook, Nick Cook, Jason Flikweert, Antony Gaunt, Josh Harm, Gary Harris Jnr, TJ Horne, Trent Humphreys, Bradley Jennings, Tegan Jennings, Warren Johnson, Neil Keldoulis, Jason Kregenbrink, Stephen-John Lahiff, Tyler Mertin, Nigel Mulvena, Chris Pendry, Jessica Raymont, Shane Reynolds, Matt Rigby, Brad Scrogie, Kent Shelford, Scott Thomsen, Steve Thomsen, Lee Steffans, Shane Truin and Peter Walker.
Other sponsors of this event are Cooroy Auto Wreckers, Thomsen Builders Maryborough, Fraser Coast 4WD Recyclers, Urangan Automotive Services.
Scrutineering times will be released in the next few days.