2010 Super Sedan Qld Title Nominations
19/04/10…Pam Franz
The 2010 Super Sedan Qld Title is scheduled to be held at Rockhampton Showgrounds Speedway on the weekend of 1st & 2nd May. 31 Nominations have been received for this event, headlined by Mat Pascoe current 2010 NSSS Champion, 2009 Australia No 1 Darren Kane, 2009 NSSS Champion Mick Doblo, and hard charger ‘The Joker’ Steve Jordan and multi title winner Wayne Brims from Tweed Heads. Mick Nicola will be making the long trek to Rockhampton from Traralgon in southern Victoria. Nicola has won multiple major awards also.
Nominations are – Chris Albert, Paul Bauer, Wayne Brims, Chris Bussey, Jack Childs, Barry Craft, Michael Doblo, Graeme Elliott, Kyall Fisher, Lyall Fisher, Scott Galea, Colin Hockley, Steve Jordan, Michael Jenner, Darren Kane, Desmond Korn, Digger McCallum, Mick Nicola, Gavin Northfield, Jye O’Brien, Geoff O’Keeffe, Tim O’Shea, Mat Pascoe, Steve Pearce, Ashley Peall, Craig Shaw, Grant Shaw, Justin Smithwick, Craig Torr, Matthew Williams, Trent Wilson.